本文共 18767 字,大约阅读时间需要 62 分钟。
之前分享过阿里云RDS PG支持分区表的文章
今天要给大家带来另一个好消息, PostgreSQL 社区版本终于要有集成的分区表特性了,再也不用为写分区触发器烦恼了。 (很多人认为PG现有的分区表用法是"惨无人道"的(除了管理不方便,性能也是个问题),就像是一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅汤。社区终于要把老鼠屎请出去了。)如果你不care性能,可以看看我以前写的一个通用的分区表触发器函数,一个函数打天下
src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c * heap_insert - insert tuple into a relation * heap_delete - delete a tuple from a relation * heap_update - replace a tuple in a relation with another tuple
-- create partitioned table and child partitions at once.CREATE TABLE parent (...)PARTITION BY [ RANGE | LIST ]( key ) [ opclass ] -- 默认使用分区列的btree默认opclass, 也可以自定义[ ( PARTITION child { VALUES LESS THAN { ... | MAXVALUE } -- for RANGE | VALUES [ IN ]( { ... | DEFAULT } ) -- for LIST } [ WITH ( ... ) ] [ TABLESPACE tbs ] [, ...] ) ] ;-- add a partition key to a table.ALTER TABLE parent PARTITION BY [ RANGE | LIST ]( key ) [ opclass ] [ (...) ] ;
-- create a new partition on a partitioned table.CREATE PARTITION child ON parent VALUES ... ;-- add a table as a partition.ALTER TABLE parent ATTACH PARTITION child VALUES ... ;-- Remove a partition as a normal table.ALTER TABLE parent DETACH PARTITION child ;
分区主表postgres=# \d+ test Unlogged partitioned table "public.test" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | plain | | info | text | | extended | | crt_time | timestamp without time zone | | plain | | Partition Key: PARTITION BY RANGE (id)分区子表postgres=# \d+ test0 Unlogged table "public.test0" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | plain | | info | text | | extended | | crt_time | timestamp without time zone | | plain | | Partition Of: test FOR VALUES START (0) END (1000)
postgres=# select * from pg_partitioned; partedrelid | partstrat | partnatts | partattrs | partclass | partexprs -------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- 16405 | r | 1 | 1 | 1978 | (1 row)postgres=# select * from pg_class where relkind ='P'; relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules | relhastriggers | relhassubclass | relrowsecurity | relforcerowsecurity | relispopulated | relreplident | relfrozenxid | relminmxid | relacl | reloptions ---------+--------------+---------+-----------+----------+-------+-------------+---------------+----------+-----------+---------------+---------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+---------+----------+-----------+------------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+---------------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+------------+--------+------------ test | 2200 | 16407 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 16405 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16408 | f | f | u | P | 3 | 0 | f | f | f | f | t | f | f | t | d | 0 | 0 | | (1 row)
记录了每个子表的分区规则,是不是和pg_rewrite很像呢postgres=# select * from pg_partition; partrelid | partbound -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16411 | {PARTITIONRANGE :lowerinc true :lower ({CONST :consttype 23 :consttypmod -1 :constcollid 0 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :location 64 :constvalue 4 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]}) :upperinc false :upper ({CONST :consttype 23 :consttypmod -1 :constcollid 0 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :location 72 :constvalue 4 [ -24 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]})}...... 16567 | {PARTITIONRANGE :lowerinc true :lower ({CONST :consttype 23 :consttypmod -1 :constcollid 0 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :location 65 :constvalue 4 [ -56 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]}) :upperinc false :upper ({CONST :consttype 23 :consttypmod -1 :constcollid 0 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :location 77 :constvalue 4 [ -80 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]})}(14 rows)
+/*+ * range_partition_for_tuple+ * Search the range partition for a range key ('values')+ *+ * Returns -1 if none found.+ */+static int+range_partition_for_tuple(PartitionKey key, PartitionDesc pdesc, Datum *values)+{+ Assert(pdesc->nparts > 0);++ return range_partition_bsearch(key, pdesc, values);+}++/*+ * range_partition_bsearch+ * Workhorse of range_partition_for_tuple+ */+static int+range_partition_bsearch(PartitionKey key, PartitionDesc pdesc,+ Datum *values)+{+ int low, high;++ /* Good ol' bsearch */+ low = 0;+ high = pdesc->nparts - 1;+ while (low <= high)+ {+ int idx = (low + high) / 2;++ if (pdesc->rangeuppers[idx]->infinite)+ {+ if (rightof(key, values, pdesc->rangelowers[idx]))+ return idx;++ break;+ }+ else if (leftof(key, values, pdesc->rangeuppers[idx]))+ {+ if (pdesc->rangelowers[idx]->infinite)+ return idx;++ if (rightof(key, values, pdesc->rangelowers[idx]))+ return idx;++ high = idx - 1;+ continue;+ }++ low = idx + 1;+ }++ return -1;+}
查找list 分区
+/*+ * list_partition_for_tuple+ * Find the list partition for a tuple+ *+ * Returns -1 if none found.+ */+static int+list_partition_for_tuple(PartitionKey key, PartitionDesc pdesc,+ Datum value, bool isnull)+{+ int i;++ Assert(pdesc->nparts > 0);++ for (i = 0; i < pdesc->nparts; i++)+ {+ int j;++ if (isnull)+ {+ if (pdesc->lists[i]->contains_null)+ return i;++ continue;+ }++ for (j = 0; j < pdesc->lists[i]->nvalues; j++)+ {+ int32 cmpval;++ cmpval = DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall2Coll(&key->partsupfunc[0],+ key->tcinfo->typcoll[0],+ pdesc->lists[i]->values[j],+ value));+ if (!cmpval)+ return i;+ }+ }++ return -1;+}
+ heap_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,+ tuple, mycid, hi_options, bistate);
(ps: 触发器的分区查找算法有优化的空间,这里没有使用二分查找。因此最后一个分区的性能落差不至于这么大。)
COPY 500W记录的性能对比。使用PostgreSQL 9.6 beta1的源码,用最近的patch.
wget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44614/0001-Add-syntax-to-specify-partition-key-v6.patchwget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44615/0002-Add-a-IGNORE-dependency-type-v6.patchwget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44616/0003-Infrastructure-for-creation-of-partitioned-tables-v6.patchwget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44617/0004-Add-syntax-to-create-partitions-v6.patchwget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44618/0005-Infrastructure-for-partition-metadata-storage-and-ma-v6.patchwget https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/attachment/44619/0006-Introduce-tuple-routing-for-partitioned-tables-v6.patchwget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.6beta1/postgresql-9.6beta1.tar.bz2tar -jxvf postgresql-9.6beta1.tar.bz2cd postgresql-9.6beta1/patch -p1 < ../0001-Add-syntax-to-specify-partition-key-v6.patch patch -p1 < ../0002-Add-a-IGNORE-dependency-type-v6.patch patch -p1 < ../0003-Infrastructure-for-creation-of-partitioned-tables-v6.patchpatch -p1 < ../0004-Add-syntax-to-create-partitions-v6.patch patch -p1 < ../0005-Infrastructure-for-partition-metadata-storage-and-ma-v6.patch patch -p1 < ../0006-Introduce-tuple-routing-for-partitioned-tables-v6.patch
./configure --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6gmake world -j 32gmake install-world -j 32vi ~/env9.6.shexport PS1="$USER@`/bin/hostname -s`-> "export PGPORT=1922export PGDATA=/home/digoal/pgdata9.6export LANG=en_US.utf8export PGHOME=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64:/usr/local/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH:.export MANPATH=$PGHOME/share/man:$MANPATHexport PGHOST=$PGDATAexport PGUSER=postgresexport PGDATABASE=postgresalias rm='rm -i'alias ll='ls -lh'unalias vi. ~/env9.6.shinitdb -D $PGDATA -E SQL_ASCII -U postgres --locale=Cvi $PGDATA/postgresql.conflisten_addresses = '' # what IP address(es) to listen on;port = 1922 # (change requires restart)max_connections = 100 # (change requires restart)unix_socket_directories = '.' # comma-separated list of directoriesunix_socket_permissions = 0700 # begin with 0 to use octal notationshared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kBdynamic_shared_memory_type = posix # the default is the first optionlog_destination = 'csvlog' # Valid values are combinations oflogging_collector = on # Enable capturing of stderr and csvloglog_directory = 'pg_log' # directory where log files are written,log_truncate_on_rotation = on # If on, an existing log file with thelog_timezone = 'PRC'datestyle = 'iso, mdy'timezone = 'PRC'lc_messages = 'C' # locale for system error messagelc_monetary = 'C' # locale for monetary formattinglc_numeric = 'C' # locale for number formattinglc_time = 'C' # locale for time formattingdefault_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'pg_ctl start创建分区表 psqlCREATE unlogged TABLE test(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp) PARTITION BY RANGE (id);create unlogged table test0 partition of test for values start (0) end (1000);create unlogged table test1 partition of test for values start (1000) end (2000);create unlogged table test2 partition of test for values start (2000) end (3000);create unlogged table test3 partition of test for values start (3000) end (4000);create unlogged table test4 partition of test for values start (4000) end (5000);create unlogged table test5 partition of test for values start (5000) end (6000);create unlogged table test6 partition of test for values start (6000) end (7000);create unlogged table test7 partition of test for values start (7000) end (8000);create unlogged table test8 partition of test for values start (8000) end (9000);create unlogged table test9 partition of test for values start (9000) end (10000);create unlogged table test10 partition of test for values start (10000) end (11000);create unlogged table test11 partition of test for values start (11000) end (12000);create unlogged table test12 partition of test for values start (12000) end (13000);create unlogged table test13 partition of test for values start (13000) end (14000);使用触发器的方法创建分区表 一坨坨的代码来了 create unlogged table t(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);create unlogged table t0 (like t including all) inherits(t);;create unlogged table t1 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t2 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t3 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t4 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t5 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t6 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t7 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t8 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t9 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t10 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t11 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t12 (like t including all) inherits(t);create unlogged table t13 (like t including all) inherits(t);alter table t0 add constraint ck1 check (id>=0 and id<1000);alter table t1 add constraint ck1 check (id>=1000 and id<2000);alter table t2 add constraint ck1 check (id>=2000 and id<3000);alter table t3 add constraint ck1 check (id>=3000 and id<4000);alter table t4 add constraint ck1 check (id>=4000 and id<5000);alter table t5 add constraint ck1 check (id>=5000 and id<6000);alter table t6 add constraint ck1 check (id>=6000 and id<7000);alter table t7 add constraint ck1 check (id>=7000 and id<8000);alter table t8 add constraint ck1 check (id>=8000 and id<9000);alter table t9 add constraint ck1 check (id>=9000 and id<10000);alter table t10 add constraint ck1 check (id>=10000 and id<11000);alter table t11 add constraint ck1 check (id>=11000 and id<12000);alter table t12 add constraint ck1 check (id>=12000 and id<13000);alter table t13 add constraint ck1 check (id>=13000 and id<14000);postgres=# create or replace function ins() returns trigger as $$declarebegin if 0 <= new.id and new.id < 1000 then insert into t0 values (new.*); elsif 1000 <= new.id and new.id < 2000 then insert into t1 values (new.*); elsif 2000 <= new.id and new.id < 3000 then insert into t2 values (new.*); elsif 3000 <= new.id and new.id < 4000 then insert into t3 values (new.*); elsif 4000 <= new.id and new.id < 5000 then insert into t4 values (new.*); elsif 5000 <= new.id and new.id < 6000 then insert into t5 values (new.*); elsif 6000 <= new.id and new.id < 7000 then insert into t6 values (new.*); elsif 7000 <= new.id and new.id < 8000 then insert into t7 values (new.*); elsif 8000 <= new.id and new.id < 9000 then insert into t8 values (new.*); elsif 9000 <= new.id and new.id < 10000 then insert into t9 values (new.*); elsif 10000 <= new.id and new.id < 11000 then insert into t10 values (new.*); elsif 11000 <= new.id and new.id < 12000 then insert into t11 values (new.*); elsif 12000 <= new.id and new.id < 13000 then insert into t12 values (new.*); elsif 13000 <= new.id and new.id < 14000 then insert into t13 values (new.*); else raise 'partition key value overflow'; end if; return null;end;$$ language plpgsql strict;postgres=# create trigger tg1 before insert on t for each row execute procedure ins();测试传统的方法和内置分区表的方法进行测试 cat t.sqlinsert into t values (0,'t',now());insert into t values (1000,'t',now());insert into t values (2000,'t',now());insert into t values (3000,'t',now());insert into t values (4000,'t',now());insert into t values (5000,'t',now());insert into t values (6000,'t',now());insert into t values (7000,'t',now());insert into t values (8000,'t',now());insert into t values (9000,'t',now());insert into t values (10000,'t',now());insert into t values (11000,'t',now());insert into t values (12000,'t',now());insert into t values (13000,'t',now());cat test.sqlinsert into test values (0,'test',now());insert into test values (1000,'test',now());insert into test values (2000,'test',now());insert into test values (3000,'test',now());insert into test values (4000,'test',now());insert into test values (5000,'test',now());insert into test values (6000,'test',now());insert into test values (7000,'test',now());insert into test values (8000,'test',now());insert into test values (9000,'test',now());insert into test values (10000,'test',now());insert into test values (11000,'test',now());insert into test values (12000,'test',now());insert into test values (13000,'test',now());pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 16 -T 120tps = 5619.075687 (including connections establishing)tps = 5619.473688 (excluding connections establishing)pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t.sql -c 16 -j 16 -T 120tps = 3781.152246 (including connections establishing)tps = 3781.456820 (excluding connections establishing)cat t.sqlinsert into t values (13000,'t',now());cat test.sqlinsert into test values (13000,'test',now());pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 16 -j 16 -T 120tps = 75777.169561 (including connections establishing)tps = 75781.869815 (excluding connections establishing)pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t.sql -c 16 -j 16 -T 120tps = 50596.853557 (including connections establishing)tps = 50599.913130 (excluding connections establishing)
使用copy 测试
效果立竿见影date;psql -c "copy (select 0,'test',now() from generate_series(1,5000000)) to stdout"|psql -c "copy test from stdin";dateSat Jun 11 19:12:50 CST 2016COPY 5000000Sat Jun 11 19:13:02 CST 2016date;psql -c "copy (select 0,'test',now() from generate_series(1,5000000)) to stdout"|psql -c "copy t from stdin";dateSat Jun 11 19:13:05 CST 2016COPY 0Sat Jun 11 19:14:35 CST 2016date;psql -c "copy (select 13000,'test',now() from generate_series(1,5000000)) to stdout"|psql -c "copy test from stdin";dateSat Jun 11 19:05:08 CST 2016COPY 5000000Sat Jun 11 19:05:22 CST 2016date;psql -c "copy (select 13000,'test',now() from generate_series(1,5000000)) to stdout"|psql -c "copy t from stdin";dateSat Jun 11 19:05:26 CST 2016COPY 0Sat Jun 11 19:07:55 CST 2016